Monday, August 18, 2014

Christ Died For Ungodly People

6 Look at it this way: At the right time, while we were still
helpless, Christ died for ungodly people.
8 Christ died for us while we were still sinners. This
demonstrates God's love for us.

Let's slow down and think about what verse 6 above told us by
restating it. Christ died for:

terrible people.
for people who are most unlike God.
for people so bad no one thinks there is any hope for them.


Why did Christ die for ungodly people? What was the purpose?
What good did it do? Why did Jesus do such a thing?

The answer is given in the rest of Romans 5. It tells the story
of how one man (Adam) got all humanity living under a curse and
the dominion of the devil because of his rebellion and
disobedience to God. But through what another man did (Jesus
Christ, who was God and became a man), salvation and
deliverance and freedom along with a restored relationship with
God is made available to all humanity.

By choosing the Lord Jesus Christ we are delivered from the
kingdom of darkness in which we were held captive (Colossians
1:13). This is not just for a select few who deserve it. It is
available tor all -- even the most terrible, the most ungodly.
Jesus died to set us all free.

It would be good for you to read the entire fifth chapter of
Romans several times and let the message soak deeply into your
thinking. God's love for you (and all humanity) caused Him to
put into action a plan to redeem us and set us free.

Jesus died as a demonstration of God's love in order to set
humanity free -- even those who were most ungodly. Jesus died
for them.

So what should your attitude be toward ungodly, terrible
people? Should you hate them? Should you tell them to go to

NO! Jesus loved them enough to die for them! So you should tell
them about how much Jesus loves them and the provision He has
already made to set them free from their sins.

You should tell them the Good News! They are loved by God! God
has forgiven them! (2 Corinthians 5:19) They can be free!

It is not God's plan that people remain ungodly. He
demonstrated His love at Calvary so people will turn to Him and
allow Him to give them a new nature, making them His children.

SAY THIS: My Lord Jesus Christ died for sinners, to set them


Blogger Steve Finnell said...


Is it possible to be a member of the Masonic Lodge and remain in good standing with God? Can a Christian be a member of two religions simultaneously? Many Mason reject the premise that the Masonic Lodge is a religion.


1. Masons assemble in a Masonic Temple.

Temple Defined: An edifice or place dedicated to the service or worship of a deity or deities.

2. The presiding officer in each Lodge is called the "Worshipful Master."

No explanation needed.

3. Mason's teach freedom from sin.

Lexicon of Freemasonry, by A.G. Mackey, p.16 under the word ACACIAN: Acacian---term signifying a Mason who by living in strict obedience to the obligations and precepts of the fraternity is free from sin.

Is Masonic freedom from sin compatible with Christianity? Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.

4. The Masonic Handbook claims Mason's have their own Redeemer.

[From Kentucky Monitor, page XV] All antiquity solved the enigma of the existence of evil by supposing the existence of a Principle of Evil, of demons, fallen angels, Ahriman, a Typhon, a Siva, a Loki, or Satan, that, first falling themselves, and plunged into misery and darkness, tempted man to his fall and brought sin into the world. All believed in a future life, to be attained by purification and trails; in a state of successive states of reward and punishment; and in Mediator or Redeemer by whom the evil Principle was to be overcome and the Supreme Deity reconciled to His creatures. The belief was general that He was to be born of a virgin and suffer a painful death. The Hinus called him Krishna, the Chinese, Kiou-yse, the Persians, Sosiosch; the Chaldeans, Dhvanai; the Egyptians, Horous; Plato, Love; the Scandinavians, Balder; Christians, Jesus; Masons, Hiram.


John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.


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5:33 AM  

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