God Is A Perfect Parent
11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good
gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in
heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!
God is primarily a parent -- and a good one, too -- the best.
Better than any earthly parent by far.
I used to think of God primarily as a judge, someone watching
to see if I did anything wrong so He could punish me.
But that is not what the New Testament reveals to us.
Jesus taught us to pray: "Our Father. . ."
That is the primary way we should relate to God, as our Father.
Only once in the KJV New Testament do we find the phrase "God
the judge," while the phrase "God the Father" is found thirteen
times. Eleven times we find the phrase "God our Father," but
not once do we find "God our judge."
A good father will combine being a friend and also being a
trainer. He will be tough when necessary, for the good of the
That's the way it is with God. Yes, there are some things He
has told us not to do -- but they are all for our good, because
He knows there will be bad consequences if we do them.
We can be confident God is always playing the part of being a
good parent to us. He is always trying to help us, nurture us,
and encourage us. God is for us -- not against us.
And, even when we do wrong and get in trouble -- God is there
to help us -- not to condemn us. He is our perfect parent.
We must realize that everything God does is for our benefit --
not His. God is raising a family. He is training us and
encouraging us to grow up. Our destiny is to be like Jesus
Children are not afraid of good parents, because they are there
to nurture and help. However, a good parent will punish wrong-
doing -- not because they want to hurt their child -- but
because they want to train them so they can mature and do well
in life.
The primary desire of every good parent is to see their child
grow up, to become a mature, responsible, capable adult.
This is also the desire of God for His children. His desire is
that we grow up to become mature like Christ.
This requires a certain amount of freedom and responsibility. A
parent cannot forever shelter children and expect them to
mature properly. God wants us to learn to love, just like
Christ did.
SAY THIS: God is a wonderful parent -- the best ever.
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