The Purpose Of Life
family. In order to truly fellowship with God, man had to have
freedom of choice. Unfortunately, man used his freedom to rebel
against God and fell from fellowship with God.
When man fell he came under the dominion of the devil, because
he followed the devil's suggestion to disobey God. With this
came spiritual death and a new nature which was selfish. Man
became self-centered -- actually worshiping himself by making
every decision based on what was best for him. The result of
this selfishness is evident all around us: horrible misery and
God is just and obeys His own laws. Justice requires that
rebellion be punished. To be just, yet allow mankind to come
back into fellowship with Him, God Himself came to earth as the
man Jesus Christ. He suffered a horrible death as the
substitute for all mankind, taking the punishment we deserved
for our sins. Because of what Jesus did, God could justly
forgive all sin, and open a way for all people to come back
into fellowship with God.
Jesus Christ Himself is the only way to God. Only by receiving
Jesus can we enjoy the benefits of His sacrifice, which sets us
free from sin and its judgment.
Our life on earth now is testing and preparation for eternity,
to determine our place in God's family. This is not determined
by human beauty or achievement, but by our willingness to
submit to the lordship of Jesus Christ. When we submit to
Jesus, He begins changing us into what He wants us to be.
When you come to Jesus, He changes you inwardly. As you
continue following Jesus and obeying His Word, your inward
change will continue manifesting outwardly, causing people and
circumstances around you to change also. God will continue
working in and through you until you become like Jesus Christ
in your thoughts and actions, as well as your nature.
SAY THIS: Thank you Lord for your great plan!
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