Saturday, May 03, 2008

Glorify God In Death

1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose
under the heaven:
2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a
time to pluck up that which is planted;

Death is a part of life we cannot escape.

The Bible does not say a certain time has been determined for
you to die. It says it has been appointed for us to die once.
After death there will be judgment (not reincarnation.)

27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this
the judgment:

There is a time to die. When you have lived a full life, then
it is time to face death.

It is also a good time to die when you can glorify God by your
death. Too many people think life is to be grasped at any cost.
Whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's, and we
should seek to glorify Him and please Him.

JOHN 21:19 KJV
19 This spake he, signifying by what death he should glorify
God. And when he had spoken this, he saith unto him, Follow me.

7 For we don't live for ourselves or die for ourselves.
8 If we live, it's to honor the Lord. And if we die, it's to
honor the Lord. So whether we live or die, we belong to the

I am planning ahead to glorify God in my death. Some people are
only concerned with their comfort. But I desire to leave a good
testimony pointing to the reality of my faith in Jesus Christ.

When I have lived a full life and am satisfied I have finished
my course, my plan is to make sure all my affairs are in order,
then tell the Lord I am ready to come home. I don't plan to
stay around doing nothing but causing trouble for my relatives
just to be able to stay here on earth a few more days.

Too many so-called "believers" don't really seem to believe in
God and Heaven. They act like life on earth is all there is and
every effort and expense should be exerted to stay here every
second possible.

21 For to me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even
23 I'm torn between two desires: I long to go and be with
Christ, which would be far better for me.

Should believers have to be dragged out of this life in a
drugged stupor kicking and screaming to stay here in this sin-
infested planet one more day, instead of joyfully giving up the
ghost and eagerly going to meet our wonderful Lord Jesus?

While none of us can claim to be experts on dying, Scripture
seems to indicate that an individual has a part to play --
either in hanging on for dear life, or in giving up the ghost

LUKE 23:46 KJV
46 And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father,
into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he
gave up the ghost.

8 Then Abraham gave up the ghost, and died in a good old age,
an old man, and full of years; and was gathered to his people.

What kind of testimony will you leave behind? Will your friends
and relatives see your life and death, and be inspired to
follow you -- and the One you claim to be following, Jesus

If you don't think it matters to God how you die, consider the
hall of fame of faith in Hebrews 11. Three of those mentioned
tell how they left this earth.

The world needs to see that faith in Jesus Christ gives us a
triumphant passage through death.

So, let us die in faith, just as we have lived in faith.

SAY THIS: When I am ready, I will die by faith and leave a good


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