Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Is Looking A Sin?

28 "But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for
her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

This Scripture seems to indicate that even seeing a woman, and
having the slightest thought of her attractiveness, could be a
serious sin.

We must remember that the New Testament was written in the
Greek language, and all English versions are translations done
by people who are fallible. Whenever a difficult verse
confronts us, it can often be helpful to consult those who are
expert in the Greek language. One way is to examine how other
English translators have rendered the verse. Another way is to
consult Bible commentaries.

R. C. H. Lenski, in his commentary on Matthew 5:28 says, "The
present participle characterizes the man by his act of
continued looking. The construction with the infinitive denotes
purpose (not result), it is somewhat like our phrase, 'with a
view to,' . . .

"Jesus does not say that by the accomplished lusting or by and
during the act of looking at the woman the man in question
commits adultery. The aorist, emphasizing the feature of the
time, precedes these acts. The man who casts lustful looks is
an adulterer to begin with. The sin is already "in his heart"
and only comes out in his lustful look. If the heart were pure,
without adultery, no lustful look would be possible."

Jesus confirms this interpretation in Matthew 15:19, showing us
that adultery, like other sins, begins on the inside.

19 "For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders,
adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies.

To clarify: the verse does not say that looking is committing
adultery. Instead, it says if you look lustfully, it is because
you have already made the decision to commit adultery.

The Jewish New Testament Commentary states, "The believer has
'the mind of the Messiah' (1C 2:15) and is not to nurture and
cherish improper sexual feelings, desires, urges and lusts. If
he does, then, for reasons explained at James 1:12-15, he will
succumb to the temptations they raise, give sexual fantasizing
undue control in his life and finally engage in wrong sexual
behavior such as adultery, fornication and homosexuality."

Just having a bad thought cross your mind is not sin, and is
not proof that you have it in your heart. It is only when you
embrace it and nurture it that it becomes yours and can get
into your heart.

William Barclay's translation reads, "But I tell you, if anyone
looks at a woman in such a way as deliberately to awaken within
himself the forbidden desire for her, he has already committed
adultery with her in intention."

In his commentary, William Hendriksen states, "Upon closer
examination we notice that there is nothing innocent about the
man described in verse 28. He is not one who, without any evil
intentions, happens to see a person of the opposite sex. No, he
is looking, gazing, staring at a woman in order to lust after
her, to possess and dominate her completely, to use her for his
own pleasure."

It seems safe to conclude that just looking at someone, even if
you notice their attractiveness, is not a sin by itself.

We do, however, need to be wise, and as the Bible instructs,
avoid temptation as much as possible. We should also cast down
thoughts that are not in line with God's Word and will for us.

The sinful thought precedes the sinful act. If we refuse to
entertain wrong thoughts, we will not commit sinful acts.

Whatever the exact meaning intended by Jesus, I am quite sure
He did NOT mean: (1) It is just as bad to think about adultery
as to do it, or (2) It is a sin to look admiringly at a
beautiful woman -- or a handsome man.

But if, while you continue looking, you are also planning how
to seduce her (or him), clearly you have now made the decision,
and all you lack is the opportunity to fulfil the act. So, you
are guilty of the intent to commit adultery -- you have already
committed adultery in your heart, as Jesus said.

SAY THIS: Lord, thank you for making my heart pure, and helping
me keep my mind pure. Thank you for all the beauty you have
created and helping me to enjoy it as you intended.


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