Wednesday, December 31, 2008

God Loves Sinners

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten
Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but
have everlasting life.

Many people quote John 3:16 -- but how many believe it?

God never changes. If He loved the people of the world in the
past -- He still loves them today. Yet many people think God is
mad at sinners -- and hates them.

8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we
were still sinners, Christ died for us.

God is NOT mad at sinners. He loves them enough to die for them
-- even today! We should not be mad at sinners either. They are
deceived and enslaved by sin. They need delivered, and no one
can do it except Jesus.

Of course, God doesn't want people to remain sinners. He loves
them too much for that. Sin destroys. It brings death. But the
gift of God is life -- and that gift is found in a Person: the
Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus is the best friend a sinner will ever have. They need to
know that. Someone has to tell them the truth. They think Jesus
hates them because they're a sinner and not perfect. (The devil
already fed them that lie.)

Let's tell them the truth!

19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not
counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us
the message of reconciliation.

God is not holding people's sins against them. People need to
know that. When they do -- they will love Jesus.

SAY THIS: Jesus loves sinners -- so I love them, too. I love
them enough to tell them Jesus will help them.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Words Control Your Life

20 A man's stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his
mouth, and from the produce of his lips he shall be filled.
21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who
love it will eat its fruit.

Proverbs 18:20 says what your lips produce will fill your life.
Your lips produce -- words.

Words determine the course and the outcome of your life. You
now have, and will continue to have, the fruit your tongue

To change your life you need to change your words.

2 We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in
what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body
in check.
8 but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full
of deadly poison.

To change the words you speak you need God's help.

As Jesus said, out of the abundance of your heart your mouth
will speak. So, you need a new heart and you need it filled
with God's Word. Only in that way can your tongue be brought
under complete control.

SAY THIS: Lord, because your Word teaches that words control my
life, please help me to control my words.

Monday, December 29, 2008

God's Word Will Make You Free

Many people are afraid that God's Word will put them in
bondage. But Jesus said God's Word would make you free.

JOHN 8:31-32 NKJ
31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you
abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.
32 "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you

Abide means to live, to continue, or to spend time somewhere.

If you continue to spend time in Jesus' Word -- you will know
the truth.

When you know the truth, you will act on that knowledge, and
acting on the truth will make you free!

The Bible, especially the message of Jesus Christ in the New
Testament, will set you free if you continue in it.

We are not guaranteed instant results, although they sometimes
do happen. Freedom is certain, however, if you stick with God's
Word. Jesus gave His guarantee!

If you are not enjoying freedom in any area of your life, you
have not continued in God's Word enough in that area.

God's Word has the information that, when acted upon, will make
you free!

SAY THIS: I will continue in God's Word and it will make me

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Cast Your Cares

1 PETER 5:7 Amplified
7 Casting the whole of your care -- all your anxieties, all
your worries, all your concerns, once and for all -- on Him;
for He cares for you affectionately, and cares about you

God is not just mildly interested in you. He cares for you just
as a good mother cares for her infant child -- affectionately
and watchfully.

Would it be reasonable for a well-loved infant to worry?
Neither is it reasonable for you to worry when God loves you
and has promised to take care of you.

To worry you must believe one of two lies: God can't take care
of you, or God won't take care of you.

6 Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and
supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known
to God.
7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will
guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Worry is not appropriate for a child of God.

SAY THIS: I throw all my cares on God because He cares for me.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Don't Judge By Appearance

24 "Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with
righteous judgment."

Making a snap judgment based on appearance often works -- but
not always. And the exceptions can really cost you.

The world teaches us to judge people by their appearance. But
God doesn't judge people by how they look -- and neither should

7 But the LORD said to Samuel, "Don't judge by his appearance
or height, for I have rejected him. The LORD doesn't make
decisions the way you do! People judge by outward appearance,
but the LORD looks at a person's thoughts and intentions."

One main reason we're not qualified to judge others is because
we don't know their thoughts and intentions. Only God does.

As they say, "You can't always judge a book by its cover."

LUKE 16:15 CEV
15 But Jesus told them: You are always making yourselves look
good, but God sees what is in your heart. The things that most
people think are important are worthless as far as God is

It is important that we treat all people with respect -- since
they are created and loved by God -- no matter how they look.

SAY THIS: Lord, help me to not judge people by their

Friday, December 26, 2008

God With Us

21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the
name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins."
22 All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said
through the prophet:
23 "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son,
and they will call him Immanuel"--which means, "God with us."

Part of the wonderful good news of the New Testament is that
God is not just a far-off God, but He is right with us.

With us -- in many ways.

With us as we face life -- right here to help us. Not far away,
and out of touch with what we are facing. Not difficult to
reach -- but only a prayer away.

With us in understanding what it is like to live on earth and
face the problems and difficulties we all face.

With us in knowing what it is like to experience pain and loss.

With us in knowing what it feels like to be rejected and
despised and misunderstood.

With us in knowing what it is like to be hungry and have
nothing to eat.

With us in knowing how difficult it can be to struggle against

With us in knowing what it is like to be attacked by the devil.

15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize
with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in
every way, just as we are -- yet was without sin.

God came to earth. He became a man. (No, I don't understand
that, I just accept it.) Jesus experienced what we experience,
yet He always walked in victory.

If you let Jesus, He will guide you into victory, also.

SAY THIS: God is with me! He understands, and is here to help

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Christmas

LUKE 2:10-11 NKJ
10 Then the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid, for behold,
I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all
11 "For there is born to you this day in the city of David a
Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

Why say, "Happy Christmas"? Everyone knows that's not the
traditional greeting.

Aaah... tradition!

Sometimes we have more reverence for tradition than we do for
truth, or even than we do for God himself. Not that tradition
is all bad -- far from it. We just must not worship our
traditions and put them ahead of truth.

Tradition won't set you free -- but truth will.

Many traditions have grown up around Christmas -- some good,
and some not so good.

There is not much question that Jesus of Nazareth was NOT born
on December 25th, or anytime close to that date. But does it
matter? The important thing is that He WAS born, and that is
something worthy of celebration.

18 But what does it matter? The important thing is that in
every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is
preached. And because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will
continue to rejoice,

This is the way to look at Christmas: Christ is being
remembered -- by the world. Yes, there is too much
commercialism. And, yes, Jesus is often forgotten in all the
rush and hubbub of the season.

But how wonderful that the largest celebration of the year is
centered around the coming to earth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
That is something to be glad about!

Let's not be sucked in to fighting about the negatives of
Christmas. Let's emphasize Jesus, and try to remind others that
Jesus is the reason for us to celebrate.

SAY THIS: Thank You, Father, for sending Jesus Christ!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Good Tidings Of Great Joy

LUKE 2:10-11 NKJ
10 Then the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid, for behold,
I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all
11 "For there is born to you this day in the city of David a
Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

What kind of statement was this? "Great all people."?

Billions of people -- maybe two out of three on earth -- have
never even heard the "Gospel of Jesus Christ," or good news, as
the term gospel means.

Is this really for all people?

Yes, and we are supposed to tell them. God is a Savior -- one
who delivers and makes whole.

The true message of God is really good news. The kind of news
that people will get excited about when they truly understand

If you say, "I don't see what there is to get so excited
about," then you don't yet understand the gospel.

We are dealing with "good tidings of GREAT JOY -- which will be
to all people."

"So what's so great about it?"

Being made right with God as a free gift. Being set free from
the bondage of sin. Being delivered from the curse, including
sickness, poverty, and spiritual death. Being given new life
and brought into God's own family. Knowing that God is your
father and your friend...and so much more!

SAY THIS: I have received Good News that will make people have
great joy!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Peace On Earth

LUKE 2:13-14 NKJ
13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the
heavenly host praising God and saying:
14 "Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill
toward men!"

Peace? On earth? Who are you kidding? Earth is filled with
strife and violence.

What were the angels talking about? What could their message
mean, on that night so long ago, when they appeared to the
shepherds outside of Bethlehem?

Even Jesus made it clear that His first coming to earth was not
for the purpose of bringing peace on earth.

LUKE 12:51 NKJ
51 "Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell
you, not at all, but rather division.

Then what were the angels rejoicing about? What was the big
deal that night in Bethlehem?

They were speaking of peace between God and man, not peace
among mankind.

1 Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with
God through our Lord Jesus Christ,

And that is why we can rejoice and celebrate Christmas: Jesus
did everything necessary to erase all alienation between God
and mankind.

Jesus broke down all the barriers between God and man. Now,
through Jesus, we can know God intimately, and enjoy His

Although the work was not finished just by Jesus being born,
yet the angels saw the love that prompted God to take on a
human form, and they looked forward in faith to the completion
of mankind's redemption.

The angels were proclaiming peace and good will from God to
mankind. That is my message, too. God is not against you. God
loves you. God is not your problem. So, turn to God, instead of
turning away from Him.

That is the true message of Christmas. Everyone can be right
with God, because of God's gift -- Jesus Christ.

SAY THIS: Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!

Monday, December 22, 2008

We Shall Be Like Jesus

1 JOHN 3:2 NKJ
2 Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been
revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is
revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.

God's plan is to change you. He will not quit until you are
like Jesus Christ.

29 For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to
the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many

God has already made the decision. You WILL be like Jesus! (It
may take awhile -- but God has plenty of time.)

Surely this doesn't mean an identical physical appearance, but
perfection. Perfection morally, spiritually -- and yes, even
physically and mentally.

So don't be discouraged with where you are now. God is still at
work and He is no quitter.

6 being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a
good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus

How is God doing this? Primarily through His Word. So, stay in
the Word. The more you expose yourself to the accurate Word of
God, the more you will be changed into the likeness of Jesus

SAY THIS: God is at work to make me like Jesus!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Prayer Guidelines

Prayer is communication with God. Talking with Almighty God is
the greatest privilege you have.

God desires a growing relationship with you. Communication is
essential for a relationship to develop. Involve God in every
part of your life: every decision and every action. In that
sense you should pray without ceasing -- always being in
communication with God.

However, we need special prayer times focused completely on the
Lord. He is worthy of our time and attention -- and we require
this time with Him to develop spiritually.

Remember the instruction given in Psalm 100:4, "Enter into His
gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise." If
you seem to run out of words to praise God, use some of the
Psalms, or praise and give thanks in tongues (1 Corinthians

Many use the model prayer our Lord gave in Matthew 6:9-13 as a
guideline for their special daily prayer time. Some of the
principles taught are:

*You are praying to your Father.
*First worship and honor God.
*Pray that God's will be done before praying about your own or
others' needs.
*Ask for God's forgiveness and help.
*Finish by praising God.

During times of prayer many find it helpful as a memory aid to
have a prayer list of people and things to pray for. Also,
keeping a journal of your prayer requests and answers is
beneficial and will bless you tremendously as the years go by.

Always base your prayer on Scripture. Scripture is God's
answer. Receiving from God in prayer involves taking His answer
(His Word) to Him and receiving your request by faith.

Also, every believer can and should develop the habit of
praying much in tongues. This not only edifies you spiritually
(1 Corinthians 14:4, Jude 1:20), but allows you to pray with a
wisdom beyond your ability and knowledge (Romans 8:26-27).

SAY THIS: Prayer is a privilege.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Possess The Land

53 'you shall dispossess the inhabitants of the land and dwell
in it, for I have given you the land to possess.

3 "Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I
have given you, as I said to Moses.

In Old Testament times the people of God received promises to
possess the physical land. They faced literal giants keeping
them from possessing what God said was theirs.

Today we face a similar challenge: overcome the obstacles and
possess the promised blessings given in the New Testament.

How can we possess and enjoy these promised blessings?


12 that you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who
through faith and patience inherit the promises.

What belongs to us? What has God said is ours to "possess"?

"All things!"

3 as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain
to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called
us by glory and virtue,

32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for
us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all

21 Therefore let no one glory in men. For all things are yours:

As New Testament believers our "giants" are demons and
unbelief. Every promise of blessing is ours to claim and
possess by faith.

SAY THIS: I will possess my "land" in Jesus' Name!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Why Pray?

5 "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me,
and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do

There are three reasons to pray: for God's benefit, for your
benefit, and for the benefit of others.

To Benefit God

Just as earthly parents enjoy talking with their child, our
Heavenly Father enjoys hearing from you.

Also, God desires certain things done on Earth, but He has
delegated authority to mankind. Through our requests, God can
justly intervene in earthly situations and bring His will to
pass. So, praying in line with God's Word benefits God.

To Benefit You

Prayer is communication with God. It includes listening,
discussion, and giving thanks -- not just asking for things.

Relationship requires communication. Your relationship with the
Lord will never grow without communication.

Time spent in prayer helps you stay tuned-in spiritually --
remaining sensitive to God. Prayer keeps you "connected" with
God. It helps keep your focus on God and how great He is.

Prayer is a way of humbling yourself and is the opposite of
doing things by yourself. Receiving direction from God is the
greatest help you can get. If you fail to seek God's help, you
are headed for trouble, because the devil sets traps to destroy

Also, talking with God forces you to honestly face your
situation -- for you know you cannot fool God.

To Benefit Others

All around us, people are in great need. Through prayer we can
appropriate heavenly help on their behalf.

God can do more in one minute than you can do in a lifetime.

SAY THIS: I will pray because prayer is beneficial.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

You Must Control The Devil

7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee
from you.

Most believers expect God to control the devil, but God gave
you that responsibility.

27 nor give place to the devil.

Would God tell you not to let the devil have any place, if you
had no say about it? If the devil does have a place in your
affairs, it's because you allow it.

The devil will take over -- if you let him.

Jesus won the victory. It legally belongs to you. But the devil
is a criminal, who doesn't obey the law unless forced to. You
must enforce Jesus' victory and Lordship in the situations of
life, or the devil will take control by default.

No human being, in themselves, is any match for the devil. So
you can't resist him in your own ability or name. You are not
more powerful than the devil, but you do have more authority as
a believer in Jesus Christ.

Just as a policeman in uniform has the backing of the entire
government and all its forces, so believers have the backing of
God and all His forces, when we stand against the devil in
Jesus' Name.

God gave you authority to resist the devil, and expects you to
use it. If you disobey God by not using it, things will not go
very well in your life.

Praying to God to stop the devil's operations is no different
than my son asking me to take out the trash, after I told him
to do it.

God told us to resist the devil and he would flee. We must
believe and act on God's Word.

SAY THIS: I will resist the devil and he will flee from me.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

God's Word Is A Seed

Most people expect God's Word to work like a stick of dynamite
-- but Jesus told us God's Word is like a seed.

11 "Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.

The Holy Spirit, through Peter, also said God's Word is a seed.

1 PETER 1:23 NKJ
23 having been born again, not of corruptible seed but
incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides

God's Word is alive. Just like a seed -- the Bible is full of
unseen life.

63 It is not the flesh that gives a person life. It is the
spirit that gives life. The words I told you are spirit, and so
they give life.

Jesus said His words are alive. They contain life, so they give
life. The words in your Bible may look lifeless and powerless.
Seeds do, also. But they are not without life or power.

In Mark 4:30-31, Jesus explained that the kingdom of God works
like a seed. So, if we are to understand God's kingdom and how
He operates, we need to understand seeds.

SAY THIS: God's Word is good seed. I will plant it in my life
and it will bring forth a good harvest.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Your Hairs Are Numbered

7 Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't
be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

Have you ever wondered how God has time to keep count of how
many hairs you have today?

God probably built a program into your brain that tracks your
total hair count, which He can quickly scan without having to
spend much time on your hair. (Your life might also be better
if you spent less time on your hair. ;-)

(Or, maybe He assigns each of us a hair angel to do the job.)

The point is not that God spends all His time counting hairs,
but that there is nothing about you God is not fully aware of
at all times.

If your hair count is important enough for God to monitor --
however He does it -- surely He monitors everything else that
concerns you, also.

Think of that! God is aware of the smallest detail of
everything in life that affects you. It matters to Him.

You are His child. Every detail of your life concerns God.

Knowing that, Jesus said, "Don't be afraid."

SAY THIS: God keeps current on every detail of my life.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Does God Supply Only What We Need?

What is a need? Who is qualified to determine what is a need?

Is it something essential? What is essential? Essential to
what? To survival? To health? (Physical health only, or mental
and emotional health, as well?)

Are essentials universal? Or do they vary from person to
person, or from country to country, or from age to age?

Is having more than just my essential, survival needs met proof
of my greed or selfishness?

If God will only meet our needs, why do some Christians have
more than they need? How did they get it? Did the devil give it
to them?

If God only meets the needs of Christians, who will ever have
any extra to give to others?

What is need and what is greed; what is too much and what is
just right? Are you qualified to judge? For yourself? For me?
For someone in a different country? For all people?

Is it wrong for a Christian to accept a job paying more than a
survival wage? Should they only work part-time to stay below

Does God play favorites? Did the Apostle Paul say, in
Philippians 4:18, that he had more than he needed? Did God ever
give anyone else an abundance?

Does creation testify to a God of abundance? Why are there so
many shapes and colors of fish? Why do we need flowers?

Can you give scripture clearly saying God will supply only what
we need to barely get by? Are there not many scriptures that
tell us He supplies abundance? Have you ever read the entire

What is a need? Are you qualified to judge?

SAY THIS: Has my view of God's provision been correct?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Deceitfulness of Riches

22 The one who received the seed that fell among the thorns is
the man who hears the word, but the worries of this life and
the deceitfulness of wealth choke it, making it unfruitful.

How are riches deceitful? (The word really means a delusion.)

Riches promise more than they can deliver. They promise
security, happiness, and satisfaction in life, but fail to

Does this mean God is against wealth? No! He just doesn't want
you to be deceived by it. Or, to trust in it. For it will
surely disappoint you.

17 Command those who are rich in this present age not to be
haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living
God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy.

According to Jesus, life does not consist of the abundance of
one's possessions. You should believe Him. He knows.

15 And He said to them, "Beware, and be on your guard against
every form of greed; for not {even} when one has an abundance
does his life consist of his possessions."

Watch out! Don't let money deceive you.

Having wealth -- a bunch of stuff -- will not give you a
satisfying, fulfilling life. It promises to. But it can't

Things will not make you happy -- not for long. It's your
inward attitude, and doing God's will, that determines whether
you will enjoy happiness in life.

If having more money was the answer, why do rich people commit

Money promises security, but can never quite attain it. In
contrast, God delivers security -- for eternity.

5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content
with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave
you; never will I forsake you."

Money can leave you and forsake you, even when you need it
most. But God will never abandon you.

Riches will let you down. God never will.

SAY THIS: Thank you Lord for opening my eyes to the
deceitfulness of riches.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


31 By faith the harlot Rahab did not perish . . .

Rahab was not a descendant of Israel. She was a harlot from the
city of Jericho, which God commanded Israel to utterly destroy.
But because of her faith, all that was hers was spared. She
also became an ancestor of Jesus of Nazareth, being the great-
great-grandmother of King David (Matthew 1:5-6).

No matter who you are, or what you have done, there is hope for
you. Through faith in God, and His provision, your life can be

Rahab asked that all her family and all their possessions be
protected. This action evidently pleased God because Hebrews 11
commends her faith, and tells us that without faith it is
impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6,31).

JOSHUA 2:12-13 NKJ
12 "Now therefore, I beg you, swear to me by the Lord, since I
have shown you kindness, that you also will show kindness to my
father's house, and give me a true token,
13 "and spare my father, my mother, my brothers, my sisters,
and all that they have, and deliver our lives from death."

Note that Rahab asked for a token, a sign. They told her to
place a blood-colored cord in her window -- representing her
faith in God's provision of blood under the Old Covenant.

JOSHUA 2:18,21 NKJ
18 ". . . bind this line of scarlet cord in the window through
which you let us down . . . .
21 Then she said, "According to your words, so be it." And she
sent them away, and they departed. And she bound the scarlet
cord in the window.

JOSHUA 6:23,25 NKJ
23 And the young men who had been spies went in and brought out
Rahab, her father, her mother, her brothers, and all that she
had. So they brought out all her relatives and left them
outside the camp of Israel.
25 And Joshua spared Rahab the harlot, her father's household,
and all that she had . . . .

We should stand in faith just as Rahab did and ask for the
lives of all our family members, and for all our possessions.

Then we must "display the scarlet cord" in our windows -- the
Blood of our Savior Jesus Christ. When the devil comes to
steal, kill, or destroy us, or anything that belongs to us, we
must make sure he sees the Blood of Jesus.

If a harlot, who had no covenant with God, by her faith
received God's protection for all her family and possessions,
surely as believers in the New Covenant established by Jesus'
Blood, our faith can do at least as much.

SAY THIS: By faith, I place the blood of Jesus over all my
family and all our property.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Plead The Blood

Pleading the Blood of Jesus is not begging -- but a legal term.

10 . . . the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before
our God day and night, has been cast down.
11 "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the
word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to
the death.

The devil is our accuser. The only successful plea is the Blood
of Jesus. Pleading our ignorance, our innocence, or our merits
will fail. Only relying on the Blood of our substitute
sacrifice, the Lamb of God, will win our case before God the

When we pray, we should base our prayer on the Blood of Jesus
-- the price paid for our needs to be met -- instead of on our
need or our worthiness.

When we resist the devil, we cannot resist him based on who we
are or what we have done, but only on the price paid for our
complete redemption -- the precious Blood of Jesus.

Faith in Jesus' Blood, released in testimony against the devil,
will always cause him to flee. We must resist him, steadfast in
faith, for as long as it takes.

Our enemy can always be overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and
the word of our testimony. We have victory over every evil
because of Jesus' shed Blood.

2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, Whom He has redeemed
from the hand of the enemy,

We must SAY we are redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb. Here are
some example statements you could use in pleading the Blood.

In the Name of Jesus, I plead the Blood of the Lord Jesus
Christ against this problem.

I cover my home with the Blood of Jesus to protect all
occupants and possessions from all evil.

Especially in times of violence we need to cry out for the
protection of the Blood for all our household. Parents can put
the Blood on their "door" -- taking in all that pertains to
them -- and claim salvation and protection for their entire
family. The Blood is the one thing that will keep your family
safe in these perilous days.

When we awaken in the morning we should call for the Blood to
be upon us and all that belongs to us. Before we sleep we
should, in the same way, call for the protection of the Blood.

SAY THIS: I plead the Blood of Jesus over all my household and
all our possessions.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Redeemed By His Blood

1 PETER 1:18-19 NKJ
18 knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things,
like silver or gold . . .
19 but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without
blemish and without spot.

Some Christians shy away from talking about blood -- but not
the Bible. In fact, the Bible presents blood as an integral and
honored part of Christian teaching.

Blood represents life, and Jesus freely gave His life to redeem

13 He has delivered us from the power of darkness and
translated us into the kingdom of the Son of His love,
14 in whom we have redemption through His blood, the
forgiveness of sins.

The blood of Jesus -- representing the giving of His life --
was the payment for your freedom. You should give bold
testimony to the power of the precious Blood of Jesus. It is
what has set you free!

Sin opens the door for the devil. But Jesus' Blood cleanses us
from all sin and closes the door of opportunity to the devil.

1 JOHN 1:9 NKJ
9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us
our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Jesus' Blood enables us to stand before God as if sin had never
existed. We have no other plea for entrance into God's presence
but the precious Blood of the Lamb.

19 Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by
the blood of Jesus,

The blood of Jesus represents all that God accomplished for you
in His great redemption.

We should display the token of Jesus' Blood over the boundaries
of our lives -- anywhere the devil might have an opening -- by
releasing our faith in the sufficiency of that precious Blood
through words.

SAY THIS: I am set free by the Blood of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christ Is Our Passover

God gave instructions to the Israelites so they could escape
the judgment coming on the Egyptians.

EXODUS 12:7,13 NKJ
7 `And they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two
doorposts and on the lintel of the houses where they eat it.
13 `Now the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where
you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and
the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the
land of Egypt.

The Egyptians had no protection from the destroyer, but the
people of Israel who put the blood of a lamb on their dwellings
were safe.

The blood represented the Blood of the Lamb slain from the
foundation of the world -- Jesus Christ (Rev. 13:8). Judgment
was legally avoided because of it.

The blood applied stopped the destroyer. Action was required --
not just passive belief in the blood.

PSALM 105:37 NKJ
37 He also brought them out with silver and gold, and there was
none feeble among His tribes.

Not only were the children of Israel spared from destruction,
but they all left Egypt in good health carrying away the wealth
of Egypt.

Christ is our Passover. Can we not expect Him to provide us as
much protection and deliverance as the lamb provided the
children of Israel in Egypt?

7 . . . For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us.

6 . . . He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was
established on better promises.

LUKE 22:20 NKJ
20 Likewise He also took the cup after supper, saying, "This
cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you.

New Covenant believers have the right to draw a faith Blood
line the devil cannot cross. By speaking words of faith we
apply the Blood over the "doorposts" of our lives -- the outer
edges of all that belongs to us.

With blood on the door of the Israelites in Egypt, no evil
dared enter their dwelling. Likewise, we are kept safe through
the protection of the divine Blood of Jesus.

Wherever we have authority we should apply the Blood -- and
never leave the protection the Blood of Jesus provides.

SAY THIS: Jesus Christ is my Passover who protects and delivers
me and my family.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Hang On!

23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without
wavering, for He who promised is faithful.

Sometimes it seems like there's no hope and no help. Like you
have no more strength or ability to go on. You're at the end of
yourself and just can't do any more.

Don't worry. Just hang on to your faith in God.

God is faithful. He will not forsake you. He has not forgotten
you. (It just seems that way when you face a trial of faith --
but it's a lie.)

It may seem dark and hopeless, but God is holding on to you.
God is working behind the scenes. Things will work out.

When you don't know what to do, just continue to trust in God,
and know that He is helping you. Persevere even when you feel
like you can't. Just don't give up.

JAMES 1:2-4 Barclay
2 My brothers, you must regard it as nothing but joy when you
are involved in all kinds of trials,
3 for you must realize that when faith has passed through the
ordeal of testing the result is the ability to pass the
breaking-point and not to break.
4 This ability must go right on to the end, and then you will
be perfect and complete, without a weak spot.

Trials are no fun. But we should not be surprised when we find
our faith being tested.

The devil is doing his best to steal your faith in God, but his
best is not good enough. God is greater than the devil. Hang on
to your faith!

Remember that God is for you. God is on your side. God will
help you and see you through.

Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Keep praising
and thanking God -- especially when you don't feel like it.
Don't give up. Hang on!

SAY THIS: I won't give up on God. I trust in Him.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Balance In Life

31 Then, because so many people were coming and going that they
did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, "Come with
me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest."

Balance is a difficult thing to achieve.

Success usually requires discipline, a large commitment of
time, and a lot of hard work.

But sometimes what's needed is to take a vacation!

Taking a trip is not always necessary, but taking a break from
your normal routine is.

You need time to think, and time to listen to what God is
saying to you -- as well as physical rest. Without taking time
to "recharge your batteries" you will never be your best.

People who face relentless responsibilities, such as pastors,
mothers of young children, care givers, and owners of small
businesses, especially need an occasional break.

(Be creative. It doesn't have to be expensive.)

We want to lead productive lives and be fruitful in our walk
with the Lord, but we cannot take the place of God. We cannot
do everything. We are not God.

Burning out is not a good witness for the Lord, as it makes Him
look like a hard taskmaster.

Humans require rest. To continue to be healthy and productive
for many years, we must live a balanced life which includes
rest and taking time off.

Always keep the big picture in mind. That includes eternity.

SAY THIS: Lord, help me to achieve balance in my life.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Imagine You Were God

Imagine you were God -- all alone -- nothing but you and space.
Wouldn't you want to have others around to keep you company?

So you decide to create some other beings. You want to have
some intelligent conversation and relationships, so you create
them with freedom of choice. Things are perfect. You have a
wonderful universe with no problems. Then some of your created
beings decide they don't want to do things your way. They rebel
and want to run the universe, instead of obeying you. Suddenly
there is no peace. What do you do?

Realizing you must preserve order and protect those who didn't
rebel against you, you decree judgment on the rebels. But they
accuse you of unfairness -- saying you're not qualified to
judge them -- that you don't know what it's like to live under
your rule.

This accusation cannot stand unanswered if you want to preserve
peace and order in the future. So you choose to allow a "jury
trial" to decide the rebels' fate. But who can be on the jury?
It can't be those involved. There's only one solution: create
some new beings -- human beings -- to be the jury.

3 Do you not know that we will judge angels?

The rebels insist on equal access to the jury. You agree,
giving your word allowing the jury complete freedom to choose.
If these humans choose to follow the rebels, you will not
interfere. Only if the humans freely choose to follow you and
your way -- rejecting the rebels and their way -- will the
loyal humans then pass judgment on the rebels. You realize this
is risky but it's the only way to settle the issue so your
motives and judgment will not continue to be questioned.

So, you create a man and a woman, putting them in a perfect
environment. To be fair, you allow the rebels access. Then it
turns sour. The rebels score a knockout blow. Man rebels by
disobeying the simple command which you gave to allow them the
opportunity to rebel. It seems the rebels were proven right --
your way was not what an impartial jury would decide to do.

Is it over? Do you give up and let the rebels take over the
universe and destroy it with their selfishness, as you know
they will?

Or, do you do something bold and unexpected? What can you do?
After all, the jury has been completely taken over by the

It's time to quit imagining and read the Bible -- with
a little more understanding of what God may have faced.

Whether everything written above is the way it happened, we
don't know. We do know that God made a bold move in becoming a
human and dying to prove His love and redeem us.

We also know how it all turns out in the end, by reading the
book of Revelation in the New Testament.

SAY THIS: I'm glad I'm not God! And I'm glad that Jesus is!

Saturday, December 06, 2008

All Things Are Possible

23 Jesus said to him, "If you can believe, all things are
possible to him who believes."

From our early years we are educated in what is impossible.

But progress continues to be made by people who attempt the
impossible and achieve it.

Some have said that mankind's only real obstacle is between our
two ears.

We ARE limited by what we believe, according to Jesus.

So, how can we change what we believe? Only by getting new
evidence, which is available from the Word of God.

20 So Jesus said to them, "Because of your unbelief; for
assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed,
you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and
it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.

A conventional approach will not achieve the "impossible." It
will require acting different than the crowd, who probably
won't understand you or support you. Speaking to things and
telling them to move, as Jesus taught, is certainly not

Acting different than everyone else can be scary. It's like
getting out of the boat to walk on water. But do you want
conventional results?

As you read the Bible and see the instructions God gave us, you
will usually find them unconventional. But the person who acts
on God's Word will be blessed.

SAY THIS: All things are possible!

Friday, December 05, 2008

Be Thankful For What You Have

15 Each one of you is part of the body of Christ, and you were
chosen to live together in peace. So let the peace that comes
from Christ control your thoughts. And be grateful.

If you are reading this, there are literally millions of people
who would trade places with you. They envy you and would be
very grateful to enjoy all that you do.

Usually the more someone has, the less thankful they become.

So how can you overcome ingratitude? Only by changing your
beliefs. As long as you believe you're getting a raw deal, or
less than you deserve, you will never become a thankful person.

An attitude of gratitude is the result of what we focus on.

Remember, you deserved punishment. Instead, God gave you what
He deserved, and EVERYTHING you have -- every breath -- is a
gift. Keep this in focus and you will become a thankful person.

(An extra bonus is that a thankful person is a happy person.)

5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content
with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave
you; never will I forsake you."

What could be greater? Almighty God promises to always take
care of you! Never will you be forsaken! Never will you be left
facing life all alone! (You may feel forsaken, but it's a lie.)

A rewarding, satisfying, and fulfilling life does not depend on
being rich. Jesus is the one who told us, and He knows.

LUKE 12:15 LB
15 Beware! Don't always be wishing for what you don't have. For
real life and real living are not related to how rich we are."

SAY THIS: I will be thankful.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Do You Want To Be Happy?

What are you waiting for?

Most people are waiting for something -- something "special"
that will make their life great, so they can be happy.

Ask yourself: have others had this, and are they all happy? No,
they're not, and it won't give you lasting happiness, either.

Happiness is not determined by external circumstances, but by
internal circumstances.

Everyone chooses how happy they are by what they choose to
think about.

Your attitude is determined by your perspective, which is
determined by what you think about -- your focus. You choose
your focus, so ultimately, you are the one who chooses whether
to be happy, or not.

Perspective is what the Beatitudes (Matthew 5) are about.
Seeing a bigger picture than just this one small moment of
time. (The Beatitudes are where Jesus explained how some are
blessed, or happy -- even in difficult situations.)

(The word we translate as "happy" in the New Testament is
usually translated as "blessed.")

You won't get happiness by chasing what the world has to offer.
It has already been tried and found wanting.

And, you will never be happy as long as you are self-centered.
A focus on self is guaranteed to prevent happiness.

Right after Jesus performed the menial task of washing his
disciple's feet -- akin to cleaning toilets today -- He told

JOHN 13:15,17 ICB
15 I did this as an example for you. So you should do as I have
done for you.
17 If you know these things, you will be happy if you do them.

You will be happy if you help others. If you take your focus
off yourself. That's what Jesus taught.

SAY THIS: I choose to focus on God and be thankful and happy.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Pride and Selfishness

3 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but
in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than
4 Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but
also for the interests of others.

Pride and selfishness always go together. A truly humble person
cannot be selfish.

Pride is self-importance and self-focus -- which leads to
selfishness which is selfish thinking and selfish acting -- the
opposite of Jesus' command of agape love in John 13:34.

Pride produces selfishness. All selfishness is a manifestation
of pride -- thinking you are better, or more important, than

Pride is the root of selfishness -- and thus the root of all
evil. Pride is hidden but manifests as selfish acts.

16 Where there is jealousy and selfishness, there is also
disorder and every kind of evil.

Selfishness causes all evil. All evil proceeds from selfish
actions. Selfishness is the only manifest problem, but pride
feeds it. Dealing with the root cause of the problem is the
only lasting solution.

Submitting to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and realizing we
are not the center of the Universe, is the answer.

Without Jesus, you can do nothing. Apart from His grace, you
would not be able to take that next breath of air!

SAY THIS: Jesus is Lord and I submit to Him.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008


The only thing necessary to change heaven into hell -- if God
were to allow it -- is selfishness.

Selfishness is mankind's fundamental defect. Selfish means:
self-centered, self-serving, self-important.

At the root of every problem is selfishness.

16 Where there is jealousy and selfishness, there is also
disorder and every kind of evil.

Every selfish person is potentially your enemy.

All sin is selfish. No one ever sins for someone else -- we do
it for selfish reasons.

Divine love is the opposite of selfishness. Giving is the
opposite of acting selfishly.

We are products of a corrupt culture that teaches selfishness,
so it's not unusual for us to think it's not so bad.

But you must die to selfishness -- or self-destruct. However,
you're unable to change by yourself. You can't change the fruit
without changing the root. That's why you must be born again!
Only by receiving Jesus Christ and letting Him change you
inwardly can you become a truly unselfish person.

No other "religion" teaches to put others first, to love your
enemies. Only Christianity teaches you can be totally changed
and become a person with a new nature. There is no cure apart
from Jesus!

SAY THIS: Jesus, please cure me of being selfish.

Monday, December 01, 2008

The Message Of The New Testament

Mankind has a fatal defect, which manifests as selfishness.

There is a cure -- but only one which is effective permanently.

The cure requires injection of new life into your inner being.
This life is called eternal life, because it is the life that
God, the Eternal One, has.

The cure is free, but the only way to obtain it is to receive
and acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord.

Freedom from this defect requires two things. First, the gift
of eternal life, which can be obtained now by receiving the
Lord Jesus Christ.

Second, knowing that God loves you greatly -- even more than
you love yourself.

Therefore, you no longer have to live a self-centered life,
worrying about and seeking your own welfare -- because you know
that God Himself watches out for you.

God will protect you and provide for you -- not just enough to
barely make it -- but an abundant, joy-filled life.

All people who reject this freely offered cure, must soon be
placed in quarantine, to be kept from spoiling life for those
who do partake of God's cure.

To receive Jesus and His new life, you basically do it the same
way you get married. You say: I want to, and I do.

Jesus is listening now, waiting for your decision. He loves you
enough to die for you.

SAY THIS: I receive and acknowledge Jesus Christ as my Lord.
Change me, Lord, into what I should be.